The season for our cottage has ended at 1 oct 2024. Thank you to everyone who crossed our threshold and we will resume the availability of the calendar from May 15, 2025
500,00 lei
Our price system is applied calculated to the number of guests. Please enter the true number of guests who will be present at the location.

Distance to the main points:
- 60 Km To Cluj-Napoca
- 28 Km to Salina Turda
- 24 Km to Cheile Turzii
- 37 Km to Cheile Aiudului
What offers:
- Self Check - in
- Outdor cinema
- Outdor jacuzzi
- Outdor Bathroom
- Gas stove
- You can see around cows, goats, chickens and other domestic animals from our neighbors' sheepfold
- Without neighbors closer tha350 m
- Without other guests
- Wifi
- Essentials
- Bed linens
- Indoor / Outdoor fire place
- Outdor kitchen
- Coffee maker
- Refrigerator
- BBQ grill
- Phone Chargers
- Free and monitorized Parking
Where you’ll sleep
Bedroom 1
1 double bed
Bedroom 2
1 double bed
Room 3
Storage space
5.0 · 11 reviews
Anuta Deliomini2023-08-12Tot ce pot spune despre aceasta locatie este : MINUNAT!!!! Fara sa exagerez, pentru noi a fost o experienta minunata, cand am ajuns in interiorul locatiei ne-am simtit ca in mijlocul padurii de conifere ????, chiar daca din afara locatiei nu parea ????. Ce pot spune despre cabana pe scurt este ca gasesi acolo tot ce ai nevoie( cuptor, aparat cafea, farfurii, oale ,tacamuri, aragaz ,condimente,etc) CURATENIE SI LINISTE! Era sa uit, este si vatra de foc ????. In sat este magazin de unde iti poti cumpara alimente de baza, iar la vreo 10-12 km este un oras unde gasesti de toate. In jurul locatiei nu sunt vecini, asta inseamna ca nu poti deranja pe nimeni daca vrei sa asculti muzica la maxim ????. Experienta de a sta in cada privind cerul instelat a fost unica ❤️. Proprietarul este foarte ambil si comunicativ, mierea primita cadou a avut un gust deosebit ????! Va recomand cu drag aceasta locatie, nu o sa va para rau! Ps: nu am avut probleme cu energia electica, luminile au stat aprinse aproape toata noaptea, am folosit si multa apa si energia nu a scazut sub 50% .
isabelle baretto2022-11-21Victor, our host, was very nice with us and he made sure that we had everything we needed. The place is perfect for those who like peace and are looking for a place to recharge their batteries. Also, the milk that I bought from the neighboring goat farm was absolutely delicious. I can't wait to see you again in the summer.
Pop Alexia2022-10-27Locatie suberba, cu peisaje impresionante si mult comfort.
Marc Ioana2022-10-16Recomand cu drag Căsuța Călătorului! E într-o locație superbă! ești înconjurat de natură, liniște, aer curat! Este ideal pentru cupluri ????, dar și grupuri de prieteni!
Where you’ll be
Ciugudu De Sus, Alba, Romania

Located in a meadow, between the bed of a spring and the foot of a beech forest, our litle home is waiting to offer you the most beautiful memories of your life.
The name " Traveller's House" is not chosen by chance. It urges you to travel to the interior of your soul, where you will find peace and that harmonious balance you are looking for.
Since the house building but also in its renovation, the emphasis was placed on two major aspects:
1. Sustainability and Technology
All the resources of the cottage are provided by Mother Nature, starting with the domestic water( not drinkable water) , electricity, ambient heat and many others. If this is your first experience with a sustainable location, this place is probably the perfect environment in which to get to know this innovative and minimalist lifestyle.
Inside, the switching on of the various devices and the ambient light can be done either through the classic switches, but also through voice commands with the help of the G. Assistant hub.
Every guest must know that although nature offers us these beautiful things, they are made available to us in various limits, and usually are enough to enjoy them, without missing them. Even this, your experience may be influenced by weather, and you need to notice this.
2. The bound between Man and Nature
Although in everyday life we are used to having everything at our discretion, in the greatest comfort, this is also one of the reasons why we lose the connection with nature and the life around us.
Concretely, here we have replaced the traditional closed kitchen, where most of the time the only connection with nature is through a small ventilation window, where you can only see the sky from inside, trough an small outdoor kitchen, equipped with almost everything you need to cook your favourite food, everywhere you look around, you see fragments of life, and the nature that surrounds you.
Also, the outdoor bathroom is equipped with both cold and hot water, built within an external environment, surrounded by beautiful green moss and natural elements, so that you can reconnect with favourite Nature and the environment.
The outdoor library is also part of this process, where you can choose your book and then have the opportunity to read it on the natural bench in its vicinity or next to the fireplace, with a glass of wine and some wood crackling in the background.
Outside, in the summer evenings you can enjoy a cool bath in one of the two bathtubs, made available under the open sky from where you can admire the stars, next to some nice company.
Our neighbours from the barn, located at a sufficient distance not to disturb your privacy, can provide you with both fresh cow's milk and/or goat's milk, that is obtained through their traditional processes.
The small creek located in the vicinity of the cottage and which springs from the middle of the forest, has given birth to many routes and paths, which you can explore while enjoying every scent of nature, or the sound of the water that flows smoothly.
House Rules:
* Parties are prohibited, the house is intended for other types of activities.
* Smoking is only allowed outside, and cigarettes must be disposed in the ashtrays provided.
* For safety reasons for the surrounding fir trees, the outdoor fire will be small and contained, excluding huge campfires.
* Video monitored parking
* In periods with negative temperatures, sometimes the domestic water can freeze, so we recommend that you bring a bottle of water with you.
P. S.
This is not a location for pretentious people. It is a small house in the middle of nature, with all that this entails.
If you want other details in addition to those listed above, you can write to us here on the platform
Cottage hosted by Victor